Saturday, August 31, 2019

Aggression in Humans Essay

There are many different reason why a person may act aggressively towards other human being. The person may act this way because of his background or the way he/she was brought up in life. A person does not; act this way based on natural feeling alone. Is more like a melded, learned behavior. A human being must have both environmental and instinctual factors in order to show aggression. Some of a person’s natural instincts are to desire food, reject some things, escape from danger, fight in a dangerous situations or when challenged. As well also sex desire, care for the young, control, and to accept substandard status. This combination of both instincts and environment determines a person’s behavior and actions throughout life. This is based on the theory that everything human beings do would have to be learned from other human beings. Aggression must be learned as we grow. It is not just simply there from the moment of birth. A person behavior is something that is taught to him rather than being an unmanageable instinct. For example, a newborn baby is breathing because it is an uncontrolled reaction. But on the other hand, a father may tell his young son to beat up the school buly who is picking on him. As a result, the boy is dealing with the situation by using violence. In order for a human being to display aggression, violence and anger, it must be driven by an instinct interacting with that person’s surroundings. The word instinct is defined as â€Å"an inherited or innate psycho-physical disposition which determines its possessor to perceive, and to pay attention to, objects of a certain class, to experience an emotional excitement of a particular quality upon perciving such an object, and to act in regard to its particular manner, or, at least, to experience an impulse to such action.† This definition, explains that people have different reactions for different situations they are put in. Therefore, an individual is expected to act a certain way when he is encouraged to do so from his surrounding environment. For example, an Eskimo does not have an inborn instinct that allows him to survive in his climate. He has to work with his people in order to survive when he is at a very young age. Furthermore, when people are brought up in a society, they learn a certain way of life and traditions. These customs are usually taught to them because it’s part of their society’s way of life, even if some of the customs may be brutal and horrible to others. For example, cannibalism is distasteful to us, but in some prehistoric cultures, to eat an enemy is to gain his or her strength. This aggressive behavior was taught to the people of this culture and is the cause for its existence. People need to have contact with aggressiveness in society in order to act aggressive. For example, there was a tribe in New Guinea, who were violent warriors that were always fighting and killing each other. The children of these people learned this aggressive act from their parents and then acted in the same way. A parent’s method of child rearing has a huge impact on the child’s aggression. For example my own brother found a way, which will convince my parents to buy him what he wants. All he has to do is cry and if he doesn’t get what he wants he will start smashing, kicking and throwing thinks that he find around him. Moreover, when a group of people are isolated, their behavior does not change unless they interact with other people. There was tribe made up of a group of people who were completely isolated fro the rest of the world. They did not show any signs of aggression due to the fact that they had no words for weapon, aggression, anger or war. All they did was gathering food. So the tribe and had no use for weapons. The tribe only used knives and other things that might be thought as weapons or tools to gather food. They even rejected the spear, the bow and arrow because they could not use them to gather food. There could not been anything in their genetic makeup that made them act in an aggressive or peaceful manner. This was just their way of life that was taught from generation to generation, to gather food which was needed to survive. The source of human aggression lies in factors such as society and culture. Aggression is a learned emotion that is built up on different factors in a person’s surrounding environment. It the combination of environment, society and culture that creates aggressive behavior. It is the person’s instincts that are the basis for the three. While one tribe is a peaceful group of people, and the other a group of aggressive warriors. Both of the tribes had  the ability for aggression and peaceful life but it was their environment, society and culture that have driven them to choose totally opposite paths.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Stylistic analysis: One Stair Up by Campbell Nairne

The book â€Å"One stair up† was written by a Scottish novelist Campbell Nairne in 1934 and describes the life of a working-class family from Edinburgh. And we can see a fragment that shows fine style and good sense of humour. The scene takes place in one of the Broadway cinemas. Two young people – Andrew and Rosa – decided to watch some movie. The culminating point of this story is the moment when Andrew says in excitement, â€Å"Good, isn't it? †, but receives the answer, â€Å"I don't see anything funny in that†. In this scene we can see how different Rosa and Andrew are.From this fragment we don’t know anything about their origin and social status, but we can guess that Rosa was from richer family than Andrew, that’s why she had better taste and didn’t like the foolish comedy. We can also easily understand it from one sentence: â€Å"It pleased her to be seen in the dress circle, even with Andrew†. She hoped to see so me of her friends to spend more pleasant time with them, but as she couldn’t see anybody, she had to stay with Andrew. There is one more evidence for it: â€Å"Is he really so stupid, she wondered. Yes, I suppose he is†.All these facts show us that Andrew and Rosa had very different social status. So, we can say that the main idea of this small fragment is to show how difficult it is for people from different classes to understand each other. What is fun for one is absolutely fool for another. Some habits, like talking in the cinema, are absolutely normal for one and unacceptable for another. I think that the moral of the story can be very well illustrated with two proverbs: â€Å"Tastes differ† and â€Å"A place for everything and everything in its place†. In order to describe the scene properly author uses different stylistic devices.On the whole he describes the movies that the heroes watched in details, so the reader can easily imagine everything that happened on the screen. For this aim the author forms his speech into short sentences that follow one after another like the scenes of the movie. But to make the story more artistic he uses, first of all, different epithets: â€Å"shadowy faces†, â€Å"looped curtain†. Also there are similes: the carpet â€Å"yielded like springing turf†, â€Å"a hard-worked dog, for you saw it, or another like it, in dozens of these comic films† and other to recall some associations in the readers’ mind and to make the images more  Ã¢â‚¬Å"visible†.What is more, similes help the reader understand the way of thinking of different characters and the author, too. The author uses different set phrases like â€Å"The film seemed to have smashed all records. It drew tears from the hardest hearts. It sent thrills down the spine† and others. It is described even with some kind of sarcasm as a sample of bad taste. Also there is an oxymoron: the main part in the â€Å"mightiest drama of Broadway† has a â€Å"bewitching† actress named Minnie Haha.Also the author uses book and high lexicon for usual things, for example: â€Å"to-night he would resist that awful temptation to explain the story in a whisper†, so it’s a burlesque. As for me, I liked this story, but I feel pity to Andrew. It is better to have a good sense of humour than trying to show your tastes. And Andrew just wanted to have better social position and dated with a girl from a rich family. But it is really difficult to them to be together. So, I think that Campbell Nairne had shown everything really truly.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Assisted Suicide

Assisted Suicide Essay In thousands of homes across the nation victims of terminal illnessessit in pain due to their sicknesses. Should these people have to go through allof that pain and suffering just for the end result of death? Should thesepeople have the right to assisted death, to rid themselves of unbearable pain?This topic has been one of the great controversies over the last several years. Not too long ago if someone was found assisting in suicide, it was seenas a felony crime. But recently there have been court cases taken up in twofederal appellate courts that ruled terminally ill patients have the right toseek doctor assisted suicide (Carter 1). These cases took place in New York andWashington. This added two more to the list of states that legalized this meansof ending life. However, doctor assisted is still seen as a criminal act inthirty four states(Rosen 1). In my opinion, doctor assisted suicide should bemade legal throughout the nation. If a terminally ill patient wants to take hisor her life due to excruciating pain, he or she should have the ability toutilize euthanasia. Ultimately, the decision should be that of the terminallyill individual. The main controversy over this issue, is the question of morality. Isit morally right for a doctor to assist in suicide? Many individuals feel thatit is not. It is thought if assisted suicide is legalized throughout th e states,it will encourage families with terminally ill relatives to push themprematurely to their demise(Carter 2). This is an outlandish assumption. Afamily that truly loves one another would not urge a family member to rush anydecision as momentous as ending ones life. If there is caring among the family,the suicide would not take place until is was utterly necessary. Two other important moral questions also arise from this issue. First,do our mortal lives belong to us alone, are we sovereign over our bodies, or dothey belong to the communities of families in which we are embedded? Second,will this right give the terminally ill a greater sense of control over theircircumstances, or will it weaken respect for life?(Carter 2)The first question is ridiculous. It seems as though Carter is tryingto say we will no longer be in charge of ourselves, and we will be living in asocialistic society. There is no reason why we should not be able to controlthe destiny of our lives. We, as human beings, are solely sovereign over ourown bodies. Therefore, it is the terminally ill patient who should have theability to choose death over life. It is this person who is experiencing thepain and suffering of their disease, not a relative or close friend, much lessthe government. The legalization of doctor assisted suicide is no reason tochange anything with people who a re not terminally ill. The second question, on the other hand, has some validity and logic toit. Doctor assisted suicide would give the dying a certain sense of control. It would enable the patient to have a certain feeling of power, knowing that heor she has the ability to complete his or her life upon request. This may soundsomewhat awkward; however, it is quite possible that it would give the patientsa sense of well being. Furthermore, it gives them a chance to end their lives ontheir terms, instead of letting a disease determine their course in life. Asfor the second half of this question, it should in no way weaken the respect forlife. Losing respect for life is for the weak minded. If anything itstrengthens the patients respect; a person in the last stages of a terminalillness has endured some of the worst life has to offer. It takes away many ofhis capabilities to perform what would normally be commonplace activities; inshort it has overtaken his life and dignity. The ability to perform legalassisted suicide would help to replace some of the dignity which the illness hasextracted from a persons life. It would give the person the capability to endmatters on his own terms. READ: Memorandum EssayJohn Stuart Mill, one of the great philosophers of the nineteenthcentury, derived a theory which is an excellent example as an argument for thelegalization of doctor assisted suicide, or all moral crimes for that matter. This theory was deemed the Harm Principle: a person is wholly sovereign overhis body. It is

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Pathways to Education Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words

Pathways to Education - Essay Example The workforce sets off large and diverse; in one way or another, practically the whole society is connected with several form of institutionalized education. Education generally has been colored by the improved consideration that has been given to its financial and its wider social efficacy. However of particular interest is distinguishing movement of ideas, strategies and practices which has appeared during the last quarter of the twentieth century. Recognized variously as the new vocational grounding for working life, evolution from school to work or basically as vocational or technical education and training, this association has, in Britain and numerous other countries, been the basis of considerable and often controversial innovations in educational structures, content, methods and funding. "A main challenge is to recognize the education system, and it has engendered a growing volume of investigation and research, public policy plans, action in both the public and private areas of education, training and employment and sharp divisions amongst supporters and opponents" (Skilbeck, 1990). Pathways from education to working life are a generally defined vocationalisation that has been a common thread which runs across the education and, the employment policies of all country, whatever its level of growth, political system or geological location. The human capital theory in some form or other certainly long had extensive support across political and ideological boundaries: among them Adam Smith and Karl Marx theories are universal. The idea of education and training for creative work has played for long a considerable part in the Central European countries as it has worked in other parts of the world. Given the inevitability and the widely declared aim of reforming their economies, it is to be estimated that the development of education and training in these countries will keep a very strong vocational flavor, although on somewhat diverse ideological grounds. Today in typical industrialized countries education and training are fundamental to any programme of structural modification for the very obvious, reason that it is upon the educated and trained capability of the actors the people that the capability to redistribute and to put on from its benefits depends (Lauglo and Lillis, 1988; O'Dell, 1988). Bruce Raup and his co-workers long ago put it; 'the development of practical intelligence' is coming to be renowned as a main policy goal (Raup et al, 1943). In this respect, we have certainly pierced a new era. Whether conservative, full-time, paid employment for all or virtually all youth and young adults will persist to be conveyed by the advanced economies is a debatable point. It does not, though, vitiate the claims being made for ever higher levels of education and training, with grounding for work as one of the primary policy objectives. This new 'education era' is characterized not simply by a recognition of the need for what the OECD Ministers of Education referred to as "an excellence of education and training for all" (OECD, 1992a, 1992b 1992c). Comparability and precision of credentialed knowledge and skills across national limitations assume greater significance than ever before in the new Europe (Commission of the

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

An artist from time Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

An artist from time - Essay Example His major interest was human psychology, his portraits and self-portraits exhibiting his penetration of character. Rembrandt was the ninth and the most gifted child of a miller and a baker. After finishing a Latin school he was sent to the university. His inclination to painting made his parents give him in apprenticeship to the local painter Jacob Isaacszoon van Swaneneburg (1619-22). However, Rembrandt got his chief training during the six month (around 1923) of apprenticeship in the studio of Pieter Lastman, the Amsterdam leading painter of biblical, mythological, and historical pictures of that time. Here Rembrandt learnt to draw grand subjects in a broad format, paying careful attention to dramatic gestures, compositional grouping, the details of ancient costumes and setting. It was here that Rembrandt got acquainted with works of the major baroque artists, with their interest to light and shadow and human emotions. The baroque style was characterized with naturalistic illusionism, underlined by dramatic lighting effects, high sense of theatricality, movement of forms and energy. Baroque ar tists strove to make art close and clear to common people. Unlike the Renaissance art with its focus on reason, Baroque paintings represented emotions, capturing the most dramatic points of the action occurring (Heindorff 2006). Rembrandt learnt the art of gesture and light from Elsheimer, Caravaggio, van Honthorst and other representatives of the baroque style. At the age of 22 Rembrandt opened a studio in Leiden, and in 1627 started accepting students. Later in 1631 Rembrandt moved to Amsterdam, became a professional portraitist and had students, among whom were most of the future prominent artists of Holland. (Encyclopedia Britannica 2006; Heindorff 2006). Danae, the mythological painting of 1636, relates to the early Amsterdam period in Rembrandt’s career. It was the time when he emulated the baroque style of Rubens. As usual, Rembrandt denied the

Monday, August 26, 2019

The gender is a key variable in international relations Essay

The gender is a key variable in international relations - Essay Example In this essay, I have discussed gender relations from various perspectives to highlight its position within international relations. The answer to whether gender remains a key variable in international relations studies seems to be contentious. Various issues are discussed here including the interrelations between gender and politics, gender and social norms and gender and industrial changes. Trade, political agenda, and social policies are shaped and controlled not just by a non-gendered approach to international relations but also by including factors of race and gender in developing these approaches. The analysis definitely points to a single all-important factor in the study of gender in international relations, namely the influence of feminism. Feminist and women’s movements have developed in parallel with changes in the study of international relations and have transformed the way social rules and political changes are defined or analyzed. Several aspects of the feminist approach are discussed here including health, scientific management, political inclusion, incarceration, workplace equality, trade relations and women’s human rights. The studies suggest that gender issues have awareness of the discriminatory practice at the workplace, in the classroom, in political scenarios, social meetings and in the wide international contexts. Gender issues have permeated all aspects of society and are subsequently the main variables that define wide social transformations along with race and class. Considering the range of issues that seem to be affected by gender considerations and the tremendous influence of feminism in highlighting a gendered view of social systems, the acknowledged masculinities in social realms seem to have been replaced by a greater realization for women’s rights and gender equality patterns in all aspects of international relations.

Myth of Demeter and Persephone in terms of ritual Essay

Myth of Demeter and Persephone in terms of ritual - Essay Example The same is applied with the Demeter and Persephone. Iliad portrays Demeter and her daughter Persephone as the lesser goddesses, where Demeter is sketched as the goddess of fertility, corn, harvest and mother earth, where she ruled over the areas including fertility, growth, wisdom, and bloom of the crops, fruits and vegetables. Similarly, Persephone served as the Maiden of Spring, though later she got the title of Queen of the underworld after her deceitful abduction at the hands of Hades, the Underworld King. Demeter’s rituals were celebrated with great enthusiasm in sowing and harvesting seasons i.e. in spring and autumn. Eleusinian Mystery is the ritual attributed to Demeter, which is celebrated to memorize her refuge in Eleusis town in the aftermath of her unsuccessful rummage around the earth for the lost Persephone. Since Demeter maintained sheer feelings of affection for Persephone, she did not let her depart from her sight. Somehow, she was trapped by Zeus for the Had es’ sake, and thus was shifted to the underworld in the wake of the eruption of earth during her gathering the cosmic flowers. Demeter searched for Persephone in all corners of the earth and also sought the support of gods, but no one bothered to help her at the hour of utter disgust. (Roberts, 1960) Consequently, Demeter caused famine and drought all over the earth, which destroyed all crops and cultivation met a sorrowful end. There was everything green and blossoming and people were happy and prosperous. But the anger of Demeter turned greenery into futility and barrenness and people became poignant and gloomy. Consequently, Zeus interrupted and ordered Hades to arrange meeting between Demeter and Persephone. However, Persephone was forced to take seed from the pomegranate of the dead, which did not let her stay with her mother for long. On disclosure of the very fact, Demeter refused to turn the lands fertile and productive again. Somehow, Zeus assured that Persephone wou ld stay with Demeter for six months, and would abide in the underworld for the remaining half year. The myth not only maintained imperative significance in its nature and scope, but also gave birth to the Greek celebrations and rituals for the future years to come. The rituals are based on the sense of hope, cultivation, blossoming, joy and mirth on the one hand, and despair, sorrow, gloom and cruelty on the other. The six months, attributed to union of the mother and daughter give message of hope, spirituality and courage, while their separation represents long awaiting, barrenness, tyranny, deceit and darkness. Somehow, the rituals of Demeter and Persephone are celebrated with unabated passion and spiritual fervor. The most noteworthy issue regarding the celebration of her ritual was the people’s passion for obtaining spiritual elevation on the one hand, and gaining the worldly gains on the other. Since Demeter’s temple provides spiritual and mental relief to the pil grims, her mysterious powers of fertility and bloom bless the people with children, economic prosperity, agricultural flourish and access to the pecuniary gains as well. It is therefore, the pilgrims travelled wide to reach Eleusis particularly in autumn, where the men and slaves kept fast till darkness of night. Demeter had secretly established her temple in Eleusis during her search for Persephone, and the Greeks celebrated the mystery once a year in autumn season which

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Genaral relations of the judicial, executive and legislative body in Essay

Genaral relations of the judicial, executive and legislative body in British - Essay Example This is an exploration about judicial system and its machineries as well as an attempt to recognize and critic some gaps in this literature. British Judicial system The chapter pointed that UK has three court systems. These are in England and Wales; in Scotland and in Northern Ireland. These are independent institutions but the judges and its practitioners are appointed to the Court of Justice, Court of First Instance of the European Communities and to the European Court of Human Rights.2. Author emphasized that UK’s judicial system is not solely focused on civil and criminal adjudications since the parliament made some tribunals as special courts e.g. for election, labor cases, and patent courts. The structure and hierarchy of the court system in England and Wales was also detailed, being the High Court that also decides for cases requiring judicial review and question of laws, although following Constitutional Reform Act 2005, the court is now named as the Senior Courts of E ngland and Wales.3 The broad civil jurisdiction is under the jurisdiction of the country courts and of magistrates’ courts under Legal Services Act 1990.4 The criminal jurisdiction is likewise at the Court of First Instance where the magistrates does a summary trial while those in jury trial by the Crown Court following Courts Acts 1971 (p. 386). Appeals are done to Queen’s Bench Divisional Court of the High Court, to the Court if the High Court, or to the Court of Appeal of the Criminal Division.5 In Scotland, the civil cases are held by the Court of Session, with hierarchy of body to hear cases subject for appeal. Meanwhile, the High Court of Justiciary has jurisdiction on the criminal cases, either for trial or for appeal. The district courts are also mandated of summary criminal jurisdiction. House of Lords has jurisdiction over civil cases while devolution cases, and criminal matters, are heard in the Privy Council. In Northern Ireland, the Court of Judicature of Northern Ireland has jurisdiction of all cases.6 The author affirmed that following rules and administrative polices, judiciary maintained its independence from UK’s legislative body, albeit some judicial matters are subject to policies formulated by the legislative body.7 Numerous laws have evolved the procedural processes within the House of the Lords through historic legislation of policies deemed significant in systematizing the procedural aspect of adjudicating cases. The House of the Lords however remained bereft of authority or jurisdiction over Scottish criminal cases.8 One is certain though that the House of the Lords has influential power in the legislation of policies through the â€Å"system of precedent† until its amended to free the system from the rigidity to avoid injustice and may hinder policy change.9 In 2010, UK developed its Supreme Court that would hear cases on appeals from the House of the Lords and the devolution of Privy Council’s juris diction. The SC mirrors the function of other organized civilization and maintains independence from the two other branches of the government whose luminaries are appointed in accordance to Constitutional Reform Act 2005 although the qualifications remained based on the Appellate

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Business Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 3

Business - Assignment Example The academic journal by Orlando Behling (1998) titled â€Å"Employee selection: will intelligence and consciousness do the job† has put concerted effort to settle this challenge. According to Behling (1998), there seems to be commonalities among the employers during the recruitment of employees which attempt to match the best employee to the jobs. The interest of all employers is to recruit the best that they can select, however the method that they use does not lead to the wish that they have. On that account, a number of the managers now questions the succinct matching approach that can give the best from the group of job seekers. In that line, the managers now have an idea that top performers are those that can be successful in almost, if not all jobs. This is one of the yard stick that can be used. In further attempt to unknot this conundrum, an examination that was made at Gatewood and Fields Human resource selection, had footsteps that could establish the best matching approach of the best performer with the job. According to the examination, an emphasis was made on the imperativeness of the industrial psychologist and the human resource managers in in matching the best performers and the employment (Behling, 1998). The article goes ahead to explain the other modalities that are on the use to enhance the matching of the best performer to the employment. The use of intelligence is hinged on the idea that the smart people finish first. Using this mantra, most of the employers having been using this matching technique to have the recruitment work done. The explanation of the word has been used in getting into the core reason why it has been used weather consciously or unconsciously. It defined as the human talent to solve problem. There are ten intelligence that human being are endowed with. They include deductive, inductive, memory, mechanical, numerical, perpetual reasoning, spatial, verbal and vocabulary. Using this

Friday, August 23, 2019

EIC and new ways of waging war Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

EIC and new ways of waging war - Research Paper Example Grotius the VOC jurist The VOC was formed as a private company whose main aim was to counteract the dominance of Portuguese interests in the East and West Indies region, as well as target Spanish interests in the ongoing conflict between the Dutch and the Spaniards. Grotius was appointed by the VOC Company as an advocate to champion the freedom of navigation and free access to markets that were under the strict control of the Portuguese.3 He conducted a campaign whose main aims were to legitimize the operations of the VOC as a body interested in fighting for free trade, the abolition of monopoly, and freedom of navigation in the East Indies waters; all of which the Portuguese were not willing to accept.4 The primary purpose in founding the VOC was so that it could anchor Dutch interests in the East Indies by moving fast to take advantage of lucrative trade routes that were under threat from British Imperial merchants. ... ket requirements.5 As a young philosopher, Grotius laid the foundation for a new understanding of international law and Just War Theory that formed the basis for Dutch arguments towards the legality of their operations in the East Indies. For example, in 1609, Grotius anonymously published Mare Liberum, or the â€Å"Freedom of the Seas,† which was a way to declare war outside the European continent mainly driven by low profits from the West Indies trade, and increasing competition from the English.6 As the main VOC jurist, Grotius advocated for the legitimization of the actions and operations of the VOC, arguing that they were legal and moral. For example, on the issue of extradition, Grotius argued that all nations had the natural right and duty to either extradite or punish malefactors.7 Moreover, Grotius held that subjects of the United Netherlands had a right to sail and trade in the East Indies.8 This challenged Portuguese, Spanish, and English interests in the East Indie s. Mainly, this was argued on the principle that every nation had the right to trade with any nation it pleases.9 Moreover, Grotius’ argued that the Portuguese and Spanish did not have sovereignty over the areas they occupied in the East Indies. Hence to deny the Dutch any trade rights or the rights to passage would be absurd and unjust. This paved the way for increased competition and conflict in the East Indies amongst the European powers. In February 1603, the VOC seized the Portuguese vessel Santa Catarina along the Singapore coast, on the pretext that Portuguese merchants had aggrieved Dutch vessels, and therefore seizing the ship was justified as a form of reparation.10 Grotius argued that the Portuguese had denied the Dutch the natural right of access and trade in Asian markets, that the

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Tok Essay Essay Example for Free

Tok Essay Essay People’s choice of belief is possibly one of the most intriguing topics one can study. The journey of gaining knowledge in itself is so dynamic and full of factors that one couldn’t possibly be able to analyze in full. In this essay, the question that is to be answered encompasses and questions the details of that journey in one of the most controversial topics of all time; religion. The question above subjects the issue of belief to the spotlight as it is one of the largest aspects of life that is to many people asserted with no concrete evidence to be found; in my perspective. Yet again not all people agree that evidence must be concrete and therefore the relativity of evidence from a believer to a non-believer could be drastic. Thus, this essay will examine my argument for this statement through personal experience and the lenses of emotion and language in the subjects of World Religions and Philosophy as well as possible counter arguments. Many followers of faith would disagree with Hitchens on this statement, taking the believers of the Abrahamic religions as an example; they believe that their prophets came with miracles like Christ walking on water for example. They don’t have concrete evidence yet to them they see that what came in either the Torah, Bible or the Qura’an is definite truth for many reasons; each generation was told by those before them that these stories did take place so the generations that supposedly witnessed the miracles told their kids about them and the stories kept passing down until our day today. Moreover, the authority of a parent tends to be huge therefore when these stories are told to little kids to be true the kids believe their parents, they take it as a 1+1=2 situation where the student is taught the very basic rules of math, if one asks me why or how do I know the 1+1=2 I wouldn’t be able to answer yet I know it’s a mathematical fact (even though I know there is reason and evidence behind it now, but I am not really interested in reading) so these kids take what their parents teach them at such a young age and not question it. Just like the followers tend to not dig around what they believe to be true because they believe it is already true, the same way many people don’t look into why and how 1+1=2. Believers tend to have what they call a relationship with God, what they feel when they pray is something they can’t put into words yet they know it’s truth for themselves even though they can’t prove it and therefore they won’t agree with the Hitchens statement. Those people have no concrete evidence yet that â€Å"relationship† is evidence enough to them. The followers of Islam for example brag about how the Qur’an has an answer for everything and that to them is evidence enough it’s true, yet again many don’t try to look for the real reasons. The followers of religions in general have a problem with accepting that there are some things one just doesn’t know, they need to be certain about everything to go on in life and that is basic human nature. By the same token though, a lot of other people do agree with the statement above, the majority of scientists, doctors, mathematicians and many more as a mere example. In the subject of world religions we are taught that religion is passed down through language; that in itself proves the Hitchens statement right. Language is a very molding way of knowledge; it changes from time to time according to society it is in. Things can get out of context, meanings could be lost in translation or lost due to the changing nature of language, for example the word â€Å" † which is now used as an adjective for â€Å"good† literary translates to â€Å"wicked† or â€Å"horrid† in classical Arabic and therefore this could be applicable both ways to this arguments; words that were used 1400 years ago in Islam could have meant something in it’s cultural context but now means something completely different which would make a certain rule of Islam that is now applied invalid or vice-versa. Also, Christianity being the most popular religion in the world was originally written in the common Greek language of the first century yet now circulates mostly in English. A huge limitation to this fact is that meaning could’ve been lost in translation, as some words that are used in one language just don’t translate to other languages, therefore basing some of the religion on misinterpreted verses. Now looking at the use of emotion in Philosophy of religion, a theme studied in the subject of Philosophy; the epistemological theory of evidentialism is best described by Clifford’s quote: â€Å"It is wrong always, everywhere, and for anyone, to believe anything upon insufficient evidence† (Clifford 1879: 186). † Which agrees with the Hitchens statement above. Since I’ve established above that there is no concrete evidence about the truth of any kind of religion, one must assume that believers use emotion as a way of knowledge and not evidence. This in itself has many limitations to it because when emotion is used on it’s own as a way of knowledge it usually prevents one from being objective. Moreover, it also limits the use of other ways of knowledge; for example perception, where because of emotion one might look at things differently or even reason, where if one is too attached to what they â€Å"believe† in this could lead to their lack of open-mindedness. The use of emotion too also leads to a huge logical fallacy; the â€Å"appeal to emotion† fallacy where if for example X makes me feel good I will assume X is true, which is basically the basis of many religions. Furthermore, religions tend to use Pathos in most of their verses; for example in the Qur’an verse 102:3 until 102:7 says: â€Å"No! You are going to know. Then no! You are going to know. No! If you only knew with knowledge of certainty. You will surely see the Hellfire. Then you will surely see it with the eye of certainty. † The use of emotion here to scare the reader that is being spoon-fed since an early age that this is the absolute truth when reading this will defiantly lead him to think a thousand times before questioning the religion because he is scared he’ll â€Å"surely see the Hellfire† and thus making many believers just people that are afraid to think or tempted with the concept of heaven but very few that actually went through the process of actually trying to find out if what they believe in is absolute truth or not. In conclusion, as someone that will be studying law, being objective, putting aside emotion and avoiding logical fallacies are vital to me. I also never felt that â€Å"connection with God† and therefore I do agree with the Hitchens statement â€Å"That which can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence. † Because the counter arguments aren’t convincing enough and there are too many question marks on them. On the other hand my argument is a lot more valid because it’s Empiricism based, which means it’s based on facts and past experiences, not speculations. [ 1 ]. Most Popular World Religions. About. com Geography. N. p. , n. d. Web. 06 Dec. 2012. [ 2 ]. Standard New Testament introductions listed below under Further reading: Goodspeed, Kummel, Duling and Perrin, Koester, Conzelmann and Lindemann, Brown, and Ehrman.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Cultural Assumptions and assessment for understanding of Burns’ Perspective Essay Example for Free

Cultural Assumptions and assessment for understanding of Burns’ Perspective Essay The speaker was addressing a native Indians, most likely her mother. The speaker was trying to trace her culture and trying to differentiate it from her physical and characteristic behavior. In this address the speaker is trying to deny her native identity as American Indian and specifying that it is Native American. It appears the mother was American but the father was Indian. (Burn 741) The poem has the humor in the of living in identity denial yet when the speaker seem to be very much aware of the culture of her identity such as archery practice, stoic face and not drinking a lot. This forms the first theme of this poem of cultural identity denial even though there are physical and behavioral attributes that are associated with the Indian native culture. The speaker consider the Indian rugs very cheap as compared to the American rugs, thus the speaker does not want to be identified with them . (Burn 741) The second humor that is in this poem is the manner in which the speaker is addressing the mother, especially when referring to the father. The speaker is referring to the father as an Indian lover to the mother. The speaker makes it more humorous by perceiving and elaborating how tight the father and the mother were before the speaker was born. This is the second serious theme in the poem. (Burn 741- 742) There are certain phrases that are repeated through out the poem with respective effect. The ‘Yea Uh-huh’ phrase is repeated in the phrase as a scone and laugh at the issues in the theme such as culture and identity. It is used by the speaker to make humorous asserting and make a sense of disapproval to the listener. The ‘No’ phrase has also been used at the beginning of the phrase to vehemently deny the Indian identity and culture in the poem. The ‘Oh’ phrase has been used in the middle of the poem to pour scone on the relationship that existed between the parents. Other commonly repeated phrases are the ‘I don’t and I didn’t’. These are use for the function of reinforcement and utter dissociation. .(Burn 741-742) Cultural Assumptions and assessment for understanding of Cofer’s Perspective The tone of this poem is a gamble, with a prayerful wish, to some extent very desperate full of identity hope. It is a gamble as the identity of God is put of debate by the Latin women. There is a prayerful wish as these women are religiously attending the church prayer sessions. Finally the desperate tone is seen at the end when they are not sure if God is or can be bilingual. (Cofer 780). Cofer relates the issues of race in the reference of God as being of Anglo identity with a Jewish heritage even though they pray in Spanish. Therefore the races hare are Spanish, English and Jews The issues of class are related to in the reference of ‘the great white father’ as well as the church environment which as marble that signify effluence. There is debate about the identity of God. The issues of women run all through the poem from the Latin women who pray to the end of the poem where they pray to their dedicated saints such as Margarita, Josephina, Maria and Isabel. (Cofer 780). Cultural Assumptions and assessment for understanding of Hughes’ Perspective I am a student who does not see myself from the color perspective but from the opportunities to be what I am and can be in future. I appreciate other irrespective of their colors. I do not disregard others capabilities along color lines. I am aware that life is a learning experience that will give everybody a chance to live their dreams with disregard to colors. These are the aspects that are covered by the speaker. (Hughes 935- 936). The writer complication is the assignment that was given about who they are as blacks yet the tutor is white. This assignment in itself is judgmental hence the complication on the writers side. The writing assignment is fulfilled when the writer goes to an isolated place at the institution and describes their identity on personal and in relations to others in the society. The righter specifies that it is not possible to dissociate others because of their colors. (Hughes 935- 936). The speaker happens to be the only black student in their class, perhaps the oldest at twenty two years and feels discriminated for the color identity. The speaker also describes the way to the institution as mostly affluent and inhabited with whites. The speaker’s response to the question of whether the white paper will be colored when writing is negative. (Hughes 935- 936). The tone of line 27- 40 is one of defiance. The speaker wants to be considered and an American, just like the others. The speaker is also defying the past treatment of dissociation from the rest of the society. The tone is also one of collectivisms when the speaker wants to be considered as an American. (Hughes 935- 936). The instructor will have a whole new perception about the identity discrimination that exits in the society at the moment. The Instructor will be touched and filled with guilt about the past occurrences of the have happened at the learning institution. The instructor will also commend the writer bravery and resolve and will most likely grade it as excellent. (Hughes 935- 936). Cultural Assumptions and assessment for understanding of Byatt’s Perspective Daphne is a very sympathetic character. She never goes to the city Mall to shop and does not know so much of the place. The Husband Dollo always leaves her home and feels she is much more comfortable with the domestic chores that with the urban shopping Mall rendezvous. She is also very unaware of the risk of the city Mall security and get all her essential property such as passport stolen when she leave them lying carelessly at the Mall. ( Byatt 502-504). She gets into trouble when she cannot pay for the heavy baggage of shopping at the end of the tour and get more worked up and desperately arrested. All the other ladies did not go round the Mall with her hence she looses directions throughout the session . She is unable to prove her identity and will most likely be identified as a shop lifter unless her husband comes for her. ( Byatt 502-504). The antagonism arises between Daphne and the policeman when she is found lost in the perimeter. She has not been able to pay for the product. She claims her property has been stolen including her passport which is her first step of identification. On arrest, she resists and believes she is not a criminal and will wait for her husband to come out with proof. But this is not resolved as the policeman is impatient there is nobody coming to her rescue. Eventually she must have given in to the arrest. ( Byatt 502-504). Cultural Assumptions and assessment for understanding of Divakaruni’s Perspective The practice of the pre-arranged marriages has long roots in the Indian culture. I thin it should be left upon the lady to decide who to marry, when to marry, how many children to have and after what duration. (Divakaruni, 214- 215). Sumita initially cries of it as she does not have a chance to choose her groom. She also is not for the idea of going to America as she finds the culture quite conflicting with her current beliefs. However Divakaruni explores Sumita’s new life experience from the cloth point of view. As soon as Sumita is married, she gets a whole new experience that ranges from how women in America dress, kiss in public and socialize in the community. This is quite a shift from the normal Indian culture including drinking. (Divakaruni, 214- 219) The Author weaves into the first section to show that everything is in order according to the Indian culture of pre-arranged marriages. The reader will initially see no signs that there are other controversial themes such as the pre-arranged marriages and the roles of the parents on such occasions. In this fist section, the author dwell on the traditional Indian clothes exposition especially the ones worn by the brides in the wedding day. (Divakaruni, 214- 215) Somesh was initially characterized as well able man who is kind and decent and a provider. Later Somesh turn out to be a typical American with drinking and dressing practices that are not well known by the parents. Somesh was also considered a caring man by the parents. He was a very good singer. (Divakaruni, 214- 215) Works Cited: Byatt. â€Å"Baglady† 1998. p. 502 – 504. Burns, Diane. â€Å"Sure, You Can Ask Me a Personal Question. † 1981, p. 741-2 Cofer, Judith Ortiz. â€Å"Latin Women Pray. † 1981, p. 780. Hughes, Langston, â€Å"Dinner Guest: Me. † 1965. p. 898, 935. Divakaruni, Chitra Banerjee. â€Å" Clothes† 1990, p. 214

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Effects Of Technology On The Organisations Structure Management Essay

Effects Of Technology On The Organisations Structure Management Essay This essay will investigate the effects of technology on the organisations structure in reference to Perrows Study. In fact, the way Perrow analyses organisations looking into jobs delivered within the business, their capability to influence these roles to deliver various tasks and the choice of outcomes accomplished (Perrow,1979). Perrow states that in order to better understand the variations in structure and the degree of bureaucratization, we must understand the need for structure. Tasks which are not well understood makes such units difficult to bureaucratise is an essential organisational concern in 3DNetworks during its transition to an organic structure due to vendor change eventually affects its future organisational strategic structure. Finally, analysing Perrows prominence on the consequence of introducing a mixture of technologies into organisations (Perrow, 1986), in addition to Galbraiths case that technology can be a main determinant of uncertainty in the organisation and will facilitate easier understanding to the developing structure of 3DNetworks (Robbins Barnewell, 2006). In short, in 3DNetworks Australia, both structural change and technological change are of equal importance, since structural change can affect technological change and the opposite is true. There is some limitations to certain arguments as well as being aware of the importance of its considerations by management personnel will aid in proving whether technology is the sole determinant of organisational structure or whether it is the only one of many factors. During my early months into employment, 3DNetworks duties occupied are in selling a new telephone system, installing it and maintaining that system for number of years. Since 3Dnetworks were aligned with only one vendor this meant the same telephone system is deployed repetitively to businesses, creating ease of delivering systems for that one vendor. Such duties indicate a structure high in Centralisation and Formalisation, yet the most efficient structure was the mechanistic; task inconsistency and problem solving were low due to high predictability like referred by Perrow. He anticipated that task variability and problem analysability were positively correlated (Perrow, 1986). It is odd to find cases within 3DNetwork where duties such as installing a telephone system for the same vendor having few expectations experiencing problems which were not analysable carrying out that duty. Moreover, Perrow highlights in his theory the causes why duties performed with Single Vendor were implicit, predictable, routine and repetitive. 3DNetworks with various facts that the delivery and installation procedures were delivered with repetitiveness and all the risks were anticipated and mitigated. With such an approach, centralised and formal structure was advantageous since it guaranteed reduced training hours, ensured more profit and efficiency (Perrow,1979). As it is clearly obvious in the past year in 3DNetworks, moving from a single vendor to a multivendor technology will eventually translate into moving to a new complex structure over the years to come since the roles are moving to non routine creating uncertainty. Perrow and Galbraith typologies are the perfect fit for 3DNetworks since they both deal with the routines of responsibilities. While Perrow analyses the effect of routines on the level of the people carrying the job out, Galbraith looks deeper into the impact of routineness on parts or the overall structure of the organisation. (Robbins Barnell, 2006). 3DNetworks had to adapt, routinise and adjust to change with efforts given to management to reduce uncertainty in the future market than they are to allowing the organisation continually change and adjust in the interest of efficiency organisations deliberately or not, attempt to maximise the congruence between their technology and structure (taylor, 1990). This has resulted in a high level of formalisation in terms of standardising the tasks so that the presentation of 3DNetworks is uniform across not only Australia, but also across Asia-Pac. Therefore, many of the practices employees engage in routine and repetitive work for example; installing the telephone handsets. This portion of formalisation was vital for 3DNetworks since contracted employees reduced the need for highly skilled permanent ones who were only hired to carry a small range of duties like small office projects. 3DNetworks are currently endeavouring to control the outside influences since the mechanistic organisation seeks to stabilise and routinise its own business processes to establish internal efficiency (Robbins Barnell, 2006). This shows the significance influence of technology in the determination of organisational structure. The way in which technology has promoted levels of standardising employee behaviour is through the explicit rules that specifically state what is expected and what is not (Robbins Barnell, 2006). Moreover, procedures that specify how to deliver, install and support a phone system simplifies job, training and increases efficiency. As defined in our textbook (Robbins Barnell, 2006, p220), the result on one study that looked at 14 medium sized firms concentrating only on the two extreme cells-routine and non routine technologies and found support for Perrows predictions. Also, another study, covering 16 health and welfare agencies confirmed that organisations that do have diverse technologies and that the more routine the work that more likely it is that decision making will be centralised. These reassured Perrows predictions: work that was high in routineness was associated with high formalisation, as evident in 3DNetworks. Furthermore, standardizing duties into process to simplify delivery of new phone systems will reflect at employees behaviour after clarifying the requirements and steps of how to install the new systems. Contingency theories like Perrow argue that most companies attempt to deal with influences on a routine, predictable basis. In 3DNetworks even though managers believe it is the best way to minimise the effects technology has on organisational structure, theorists who hold the natural perspective note that various influences are important and can have a beneficial effect on the organisational goals and hence the structure of organisations. In both cases, contingency theorists as well as those who hold natural perspective provide support for the ideology supporting technology as a major determinant of organisational structure. (Borgatti, 1996) However, months into my employment organisational factors have altered 3DNetworks company structure. The Only one vendor strategy with NORTEL Networks which 3DNetworks was aligned with, declared bankruptcy. 3Dnetwroks realised the urgency to look at other alternative Vendors. The IT market is currently saturated and having to introduce new vendors means that 3DNetworks has to skill up its current employees while retaining its current level of competencies. While deciding on the number of additional new vendors to partner with and the strategy moving forward, the company witnessed a reign of high profile resignations that affected its operations. With these departures, 3DNetworks lost personnel of high calibre, systems knowledge which resulted in being non-routine. Such incident is a part in Perrows ways of how technology identifies the key aspects of structure. Eventually, it became apparent non-routine technologies require greater structural flexibility (Perrow,1986). This leads us to the following conclusion, that the effects of structure driving technological change are multi directional and 3DNetworks Not only does structural change drive technological change, but technological changes also have been driven by structural change. Since current staff are adopting new technologies, unexpected and no-routine duties, this push for structural change led to the emergence of an organic structure. So it is noticeable that technology is a major determinant of changes in structure, particularly for organisations like 3DNetworks. 3DNetworks is expected to be decentralised and delivering routine tasks became non-routine, such units became difficult to bureaucratise toward the end of the year. Moreover, differentiating the staffs duties to be completed are increasing and this will make it more difficult for the current employees to coordinate these new activities into the divisions and more resources is needed to apply in order to coordinate these activities such as training on new Vendor technologies. The existence of a higher interaction amongst all members began to emerge and slowly lower levels of formalisation became obvious. More discretion will have to be given to current staff to help them adjust to the non routines jobs of the new Vendors. The low formalisation, according to Perrow derives from an inability to write rules about constantly set of problems (Perrow, 1979). 3DNetworkss restructure reflects Perrows theory because current staff began performing new ways of phone installations that were unfam iliar and constant as they were performing many tasks normally completed previously by a selected team. Soon the levels of authority became blurred. Hence, our organisational structure changed, becoming more flexible and losing a high degree of its division of labour which led to an increase in the leniency and emergence of an organic structure. (Robbins Barnwell,2006) In addition, many theories argued that becoming the non-routine organisation does not come for free. It comes at a significant price of long periods of personnel training, professional employees, confusion, wasted material and unpredictable outputs (Taylor,1990). The duties variability with multiple vendors strategy exerted pressure and consequences affecting performance across all staff in the 3DNetworks were obvious. Galbraith indicates the importance of the link between duties and information. As duties are increasingly becoming uncertain, the new information required a sign off by internal stakeholders for the new various vendors to achieve the desired level of performance (Cyert March,1992). When 3DNA was aligned with Nortel, the routine duties of selling, installing and supporting a telephone system was all straight forward with programs in place that facilitated ease of delivery. Galbraith proposes the structure followed by any organisation is dependent on the depth of the process information in place and has a direct impact on 3DNetworks change in structure. Due to task uncertainty arises the need to have process information as stated by Galbraith. Current staff began engaging with new unfamiliar tasks for two new vendors introduced by management. This was a challenge for current staff to cope with the current level of work and absorb new tasks for two new vendors at the same time. Current staff had to be skilled up and certified to enable 3DNetworks engage with these vendors. Galbraith also articulated that an organisation should adopt a structure that allowed it to process information appropriate to its needs at an acceptable level of organisational performance (Robbins Barnwell, 2006). However, in 3DNetworks, staff were overwhelmed by the business process and the quantity of information they had to absorb in short notice and it seems like management in 3DNetworks had failed to plan to adopt with this situation and there were very few resources to assist with gaining the right information to complete the new tasks which lead to uncertainty. Once again, it was noticeable the influence of technology on determining organisational structure. In Short, 3DNetworks management failed to recognise effectiveness of organisational structure and thus a more appropriate structure requires the voluntary cooperation of members and actions that promote a positive environment within the organisation. Where this is achieved, high formalisation could have existed .This may also been seen to be present as it is possible to predict the behaviour of organisation members in non- routine situations (Robbins Barnwell,2006). Rather, they allowed low formalisation to emerge under the belief that high formalisation could not co-exist with non routine tasks. The transition to reduced formalisation proved to improve interest in the job, however, the responsibility of having to complete non routine tasks not specified in the job description created confusion and job dissatisfaction. Hence, many more organisational problems that could have been avoided existed under the emergence of the newly adopted structure. On the Other hand, what managers must recognise is the limitations of the measures of technology which easily gets confused by the effects of structure (Borgatti,1996). For example an organisation may not have implemented a mechanistic model and people experienced much uncertainty in what would normally be considered routine tasks. This notion is evident in 3DNetworks presently, as the changing nature of the company has left contracted staff completing tasks that are normally completed by highly paid subject matter experts (SME) and thus seen as routine in the eyes of the managers. However, the departure of these managers has meant contracted staff are now carrying out these routine tasks with a high degree of uncertainty. This has however, ultimately led to the distinguishing finding which is that the effects of structure driving technological change are multi directional (Perrow,1986). Not only does structural change drive technological change, but in 3DNetworks example, technologi cal changes also have driven structural change. As the adoption of new vendor oriented tasks, by contracted staff drove the changes in organisational structure (Borgatti, 1996). Thus, technology is a significant factor in the determination of organisational structure. Structure and Conclusion: The Conclusion summoned from this analysis to set future direction is the perception that companies are not the same, they vary to the type of tasks they engage in and thus differ in structure (Taylor,1990). Also the environment is not predictable and uncertain; Environmental uncertainty or task predictability is the basic independent variable influencing the design of the organization (Galbraith, 1970). In fact, it is suggested within 3DNetworks to align their management practises constantly according to their current environment with the suitable types of technologies. This will guarantee staffs awareness of duties and the evolving structure, as this failed to be achieved presently and is acting destructively on the organisation. In turn, if these changes are adopted, 3DNetworks management may be in a better position to define more carefully the nature of their organisation and determine what types of management practises work and which are likely to fail. Since routinisation strengthens predictability and centralisation, Perrow acknowledges that individuals will attempt to routinise all tasks over which they have authority because routinisation simplifies duties and increases efficiency. Perrow also argues the pros and cons of non routine and routine form of structures and believes that each carry equal benefits depending on the types of tasks performed. As there is no one best way to manage and to be effective, planning, controlling, organising and leading must be tailored to particular circumstances faced by organisations (Perrow, 1979). Therefore, considering such organisational challenges are important to alert management to Perrows argument and try to eliminate the idea in managers minds to execute routinization of tasks and structures in times of error. After all, Perrows theories will always be a useful reference to understand the organisations structure and the ways technology effects reflect upon dealing with non routine and routine tasks. This will raise the importance of awareness of tasks among 3DNetworks management team and will ensure they can determine the arrangement of roles and the extent of goals that could be achieved with certain new technologies. This is also important as identifying a companys goal is critical to understanding structure because goals affect structure On the whole, the investigation above addresses organisational issues through the exploration of other contingency theories and pragmatic facts to conclude that technology might be one of the most significant independent variable in determining Organisational structure, but for sure is not the sole determinant of that structure.

The New Immigration in American History :: American America History

The New Immigration in American History In 1886 the statue of "Liberty Enlightening the World," a gift from the people of France, was dedicated by President Grover Cleveland. Set at the entrance to New York, the statue was just in time to greet the biggest migration in global history. Between 1880 and World War I, about 22 million men, women, and children entered the United States. More than a million arrived in each of the years 1905, 1906, 1907, 1910, 1913, and 1914. Not everyone had to travel in steerage. Passengers who could afford the expense paid for first- or second-class quarters. Upon arrival these immigrants were examined by courteous officials who boarded the ships at anchor. But those in steerage were sent to a holding center for a full physical and mental examination. The facility at Ellis Island which opened in 1892 could process up to 5,000 people a day. On some days between 1905 and 1914 it had to process more than 10,000 immigrants a day. Many arrivals had left their homelands to escape mobs who attacked them because of their ethnicity, religion, or politics. The German, Russian, Austro-Hungarian, and Ottoman (Turkish) empires ruled over many different peoples and nationalities and often cruelly mistreated them. Until 1899, U.S. immigration officials asked arrivals which nation they had left, not their religion or ancestry. So oppressed people were listed under the countries from which they fled. Armenians who escaped from Turkey were recorded as Turks, and Jews who had been beaten by mobs in Russia were listed as Russians. This so called "new immigration" was different in many other ways from previous immigration. For the first time, Catholic an Jewish immigrants outnumbered Protestants, and still other arrivals were Muslims, Buddhists, or Greek or Russian Orthodox church members. Until 1897, 90 percent of all overseas immigrants had come from Protestant northern and western Europe. Many of these nations had democratic traditions and education systems. Even among the poor, many had spent a few years in school or had acquired some industrial skills on the job, and more than a few spoke English. Many of these men and women settled in agriculture regions of the Untied States.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Women as Sexual Objects in Metropolis :: Movie Film Essays

Women as Sexual Objects in Metropolis In the film Metropolis, I feel women are basically represented as a sexual object. Also in my opinion certain male figures were the dominant images throughout the whole movie. Some may believe that at one point, the robot-Maria was a dominant figure but I believe the robot was just a technological advancement to increase the view that women are seen as sexual objects. Why was the robot created in Metropolis in the form of a woman? This is a question that is portrayed in Huyssen's article. In my opinion, Rotwang wants to create a woman robot so he can have complete control over her actions. Huyssen even states, "After all, Rotwang creates the android as an artifact, as an initially lifeless object which he can then control." In creating a woman robot, Rotwang figures he can use her sexuality in order to receive the attention of the male workers. Power and dominance is what Rotwang wants and he found away to achieve it by the use of his creation. There are other males who display these dominant ways just as well as Rotwang does. Take the Master of Metropolis for instance. He orders Rotwang to create a robot in order to replace the human workers. He also has the control of all the workers because he is their employer. Now let us look at where sexuality and technology come into play in this movie. In the first part of the movie, Jon Frederson (the son of the Master of Metropolis) sees Maria for the first time. By the way he looks at her, you can see that he is having sensual feelings for her. Huyssen also expresses this idea in his article. In my opinion, Frederson does not really see her as the saint she is suppose to be playing, but only as an object that he desires and would like to pursue. As the movie progresses, Rotwang decides he is going to capture Maria and take her as a prisoner in his home. He does this so he can create a robot that exactly duplicates the features of Maria. As a result of this creation, technology is now mixed with the sexuality that Maria had inside of her in order to obtain control and power. The robot-Maria, uses her sexuality to obtain the attention of all the male workers.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Sublime Elements in Like Water for Chocolate by Laura Esquivel Essay

     Ã‚   The novel Like Water for Chocolate, published in 1989, was written by Laura Esquivel who is of Spanish heritage. She lives in Mexico, and Like Water for Chocolate was her first novel. I feel that in the story Laura Esquivel gives a lot of magical elements that are treated as real in order to evoke emotions about love, but it also employs many features of sublime literature. In Like Water for Chocolate, a girl named Tita was born. When she was first born, it mentions that she was literally washed into this world on a great tide of tears that spilled over the edge of the table and flooded across the kitchen floor (6). This occurrence appears to be a magical element rather than the sublime. A baby cannot be washed into the world. Therefore, I feel that it is magical. Another magical realist element is that when Tita was born, Nacha swept up the residue the tears had left on the red stone floor. On the floor was enough salt to fill a ten-pound sack that was used for cooking and lasted a long time (7). This element is more magical than sublime because this happening can not occur. However, it is a good example of sublime literature because it illustrates Longinus' notion of accumulation as a feature of sublime language. The salt from Tita's birth definitely dealt with accumulation. In addition, in Like Water for Chocolate, when Tita was making her sister Rosaura's wedding cake a magical element occurred. She was making her sister's wedding cake, and at the same time, she was thinking of Pedro with whom she was in love with and who was marrying her sister. As she was thinking of Pedro, she began to cry. While she was crying, a tear drop went into the cake, and she was afraid that it messed up the meringue. The moment... ...elements. I did not notice many realist elements in the story Like Water for Chocolate. However, the realist elements did not relate to the sublime as well as the magical elements did. That the sublime is not used as much in writing. I feel that the sublime needs to be more fulfilled for people to understand it better. There are many articles that a person can find on the sublime, and it would be a new, enjoyable experience to learn some information on something new in life. Works Cited Esquivel, Laura. Like Water for Chocolate. New York. Doubleday, 1989. Simpkins, Scott. "Sources of Magic Realism/Supplements to Realism in Contemporary Latin American Literature." Magical Realism. Theory, History, Community. Ed. Lois Parkinson Zamora and Wendy B. Faris. Durkham, N. C: Duke UP, 1995, 150. Longinus. On the Sublime. Cambridge. Harvard UP, 1995.   

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Computer Data Storage Essay

Computers have brought about a revolution across all industries. They have changed the face of society. They are no longer specialized tools to be used by specially trained people. They are ubiquitous and used in almost every sphere of life. Computers have changed the way we work, be it any profession. Therefore, it is only natural that the role of computers in education has been given a lot of importance in recent years. Computers play a vital role in every field. They aid industrial processes, they find application in medicine; they are the reason why software industries developed and flourished and they play an important role in education. This is also why the education system has made computer education a part of school curriculum. Let’s look at what role computer technology plays in the education sector. The advantages of computers in education primarily include: * Storage of information * Quick data processing * Audio-visual aids in teaching * Better presentation of information * Access to the Internet * Quick communication between students, teachers and parents * There are tools like spelling and grammar checker, thesaurus and dictionary, installed in the computer. Thus, it takes less time to proofread a written document * Also, there is no need to open up a dictionary book to look for meanings of words. * Typing is much faster than writing on a paper. * If there is a need for reorganizing the sentences or paragraphs, one can cut and paste and make the necessary changes. * In schools, computer education has been made compulsory to spread awareness about computers. As a matter of fact, computers have become a learning tool for children. Computers are a brilliant aid in teaching. Online education has revolutionized the education industry. Computer technology has made the dream of distance learning, a reality. Education is no longer limited to classrooms. It has reached far and wide, thanks to computers. Physically distant locations have come closer due to Internet accessibility. So, even if students and teachers are not in the same premises, they can very well communicate with one another. There are many online educational courses, whereby students are not required to attend classes or be physically present for lectures. They can learn from the comfort of their homes and adjust timings as per their convenience. Computers have given impetus to distance education. Computers facilitate effective presentation of information. Presentation software like PowerPoint and animation software like Flash among others can be of great help to teachers while delivering lectures. Computers facilitate audio-visual representation of information, thus making the process of learning interactive and interesting. Computer-aided teaching adds a fun element to education. Teachers hardly use chalk and board today. They bring presentations on a flash drive, plug it in to a computer in the classroom, and the teaching begins. There’s color, there’s sound, there’s movement – the same old information comes forth in a different way and learning becomes fun. The otherwise not-so-interesting lessons become interesting due to audio-visual effects. Due to the visual aid, difficult subjects can be explained in better ways. Things become easier to follow, thanks to the use of computers in education. Computers enable access to the Internet which has information on literally everything. Computers enable storage of data in the electronic format, thereby saving paper. Memory capacities of computer storage devices are in gigabytes. This enables them to store huge chunks of data. Moreover, these deveices are compact. They occupy very less space, yet store large amounts of data. Both teachers and students benefit from the use of computer technology. Presentations, notes and test papers can be stored and transferred easily over computer storage devices. Similarly, students can submit homework and assignments as soft copies. The process becomes paperless, thus saving paper. Plus, the electronic format makes data storage more durable. Electronically erasable memory devices can be used repeatedly. They offer robust storage of data and reliable data retrieval. Computer hard drives and storage devices are an excellent way to store data. This was about the role of computers in education. But we know, it’s not just the education sector which computers have impacted. They are of great use in every field. Today, a life without computers is unimaginable. This undelines the importance of computer education. Knowledge of computers can propel one’s career in the right direction. Computers are a part of almost every industry today. They are no longer limited any specific field. They are used in networking, for information access and data storage and also in the processing and presentation of information. Computers should be introduced early in education. I don’t think I am making an overstatement in saying that computer education is as fundamental as learning English. Yes, it is. Conclusion: Computers have come a long way since the first unit was invented. With the advancements of hardware as well as software, we can now accomplish many, tasks such as typing papers, watching TV, editing videos, learning online and gaming. The world of computing has made our lives a lot more convenient. Without the invention and deployment of computers, there would be no social networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Strength of Mice and Men

In this story, although some people have great strengths, they may have greater weaknesses, and sometimes the strong don’t always survive. Strength in something can greatly benefit a person. For example: 1. Lennie is physically strong and large. He is able to work very hard because of his strength, and he uses this to his advantage. Slim said, â€Å" By the way, what did you said about Lennie was absolutely right. Perhaps he isn’t intelligent, but I’ve never seen such a good worker as him.He worked much harder than the other men this afternoon, loading barley on to the waggon. Nobody can work as fast as him† ( it’s in chapter 6). Lennie also uses his strength to his advantage when he fights Curley. With his immense power he was able to crush Curley’s hand. 2. George’s intelligence. George is a very quick thinker. He is there to get Lennie out of trouble when he causes it. An example would be what happened in Weed. Lennie felt a girlâ⠂¬â„¢s dress and didn’t let go, so she accused him of raping her, and sent men to lynch him.George, thinking quickly, told Lennie to hide in a marsh so that the men wouldn’t find and kill him. 3. Curley, as a symbol of authority on the ranch and a champion boxer, makes this clear immediately by using his brutish strength and violent temper to intimidate the men and his wife. 4. Curley’s wife. Curley’s wife is beautiful. Beautifulness is the strength in herself to flirts with all the men she met especially all the men in the ranch.5. Slim. Slim is the senior worker in ranch. So everyone respected him and his opinions. For example when Slim said â€Å" Carlson’s right. Your dog’s no good to himself. I’d be glad if someone shot me when I was so old that I could hardly move† . this ipinion makes Candy felt helpless and then he mau accept his dog will be shoted by the Carlson. (it’s in chapter 7) 6. Carson. He has the strengt h to shoted the Candy’s dog because he has a gun and Slim suporrted him. ( it’s in chapter 7)

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Poem Paraphrase paper Essay

When Richard Cory entered the business district all of the townspeople would stand aside and watch him. He was trim and clean cut. He was very rich and knowledgeable. He was also extremely privileged. The townspeople wanted to be him. They continue to work their lives away. One day Richard Cory killed himself. This brief summary of Edwin Arlington Robinson’s â€Å"Richard Cory† does not capture the true emotion and irony presented in the original poem. It excludes many uses of connotation, which help the reader build a clear mental picture. In the paraphrase it uses far more words to explain what exactly is happening in Richard Cory’s life. The poem â€Å"Richard Cory† is known for its use of irony and word association. Throughout the poem Robinson’s use of phrases such as â€Å"imperially slim†, â€Å"from sole to crown†, and â€Å"schooled in every grace† give you a strong mental image of what Richard Cory looks like and how he presents himself which certainly leaves you feeling as if he is of royalty. There are also many other royal connections such as the use of the line â€Å"He was rich-yes, richer than a king-† and also just by the main characters name alone, which is composed of the word Rich. Richard is also the name of many kings as well. In the paraphrase it fails to present certain word associations that readers would pick up on in the poem. Instead of using words that aid your imagination in the right direction it is very blunt for example by saying â€Å"He is very rich and knowledgeable† doesn’t quite leave the same effect as saying, â€Å"admirably schooled in every grace†. I do feel though that in the paraphrase it is far more shocking when Richard Cory’s suicide is announced because there is no clear foreshadowing presented. Where as in the poem it hinted as if he were only perfect on the surface by entering the line â€Å"In fine, we thought he was everything†. This leaves the lingering impression that something is truly wrong underneath his perfect exterior, which the paraphrase fails to capture. The summary is far less descriptive when it comes to the reveal of Richard Cory’s death. For example when you learn about his suicide in the paraphrase all that you are able to infer is that he took his own life. Where as in the poem it goes into greater detail by telling the reader exactly when and how the suicide was committed by saying â€Å"And Richard Cory, one calm summer night, Went home and put a bullet through his head†. Thepoem leaves much room for the reader to infer certain things by hinting and using vocabulary to portray a certain image. The line announcing his death has many contrasting meanings in itself to exemplify the pure irony of the entire poem. It mentions a calm summer night, where as the night was anything but calm for him. When summer is read it is typically used to portray light and happiness and by saying that it was night eliminates the meaning. It uses the word calm to present the idea that everyone else in the city was relaxed whilst Richard Cory was feeling desperate in the dark night. Without these connotations in the paraphrase it lacks the dramatic effect in the reveal of his Cory’s death. In the beginning of the poem it refers to the townspeople being on the pavement, which is typically lower than the sidewalk, already putting Cory above the working class. Since already reading through this poem many times it becomes clearer and clearer that Richard Cory was attempting to reach out to someone the entire time but everyone was much too intimidated to respond to him. It mentions that he was â€Å"always quietly arrayed† and also that he was â€Å"always human when he talked† which gives us the impression that he still remained a true gentleman in contrary to the amount of money he may posses. The poem states â€Å"but still he fluttered pulses when he said â€Å"Good Morning†Ã¢â‚¬ . But it never suggests that anyone ever responded to Richard Cory even though he seems to be reaching out by always remaining down to earth and easy to talk to. These desperate attempts at communication are defiantly not portrayed in the summary of the poem at all which fails to revel his desperation that also foreshadows his death. The poem begins with the townspeople idealizing Richard Cory to them realizing that they are stuck as workers that must go â€Å"without the meat, and curse the bread† which is most likely where they will remain for their entire lives. In the first line of the poem it refers to Richard Cory going â€Å"downtown† which insinuates that he must of previously of been uptown which leads you to believe that is where he lives, on the richer side of the city. Throughout the poem you get a sense that the townspeople respect Richard regardless of the royal connotations. A paraphrase is good in bad in the sense that it lacks certain word associations that present a clear mental image for the reader and by the way that it sums up a poem in its purest form by eliminating many connotations and examples that help show the bigger picture in the poem. Robinson uses dramatic irony to present the message that not everything is what it seems. These workers spend their lives wishing for everything that they think Richard has when in reality they have no idea the emptiness that his life consists of. The summary of the poem lacks the emotion portrayed in the story as well as eliminating many hidden details that foreshadow the events. The poem develops the story in a mysterious forces the reader to dig deeper into the character as well as the meaning while a summary disconnects you from the characters in the poem. Altogether a paraphrase lacks the emotional intensity as well as depth distilled in original poetry.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Heart Sounds Case Essay

1. Dr. Baker spends a long time listening to (auscultating) Caleb’s heart. a. Where on the thoracic surface do you auscultate to the tricuspid, mitral (bicuspid), pulmonary, and aortic valves? Auscultation for the tricuspid valve would be in the left sternal margin of the 5th intercostal space. The mitral valve sounds are heard over the apex of the heart (5th intercostal space) in line with the middle of the clavicle. Pulmonary valve sounds are auscultated at the 2nd intercostal space at the left sternal margin. The aortic valve is heard at the 2nd intercostal space of the right sternal margin. b. Where do you think would be the best place to auscultate Caleb’s abnormal heart sound? Explain your answer. The abnormal heart sounds would best be heard over the tricuspid area – the lower left sternal border. This is the area which overlies the defect. 2. Caleb has abnormal heart sounds that tipped the doctor off to a problem. a. Name the normal sounds of the heart and indicate what causes these sounds. The normal sounds of the heart are â€Å"lub-dup† are caused by the opening and closing of the heart valves. The first sound – lub- is from the closing of the mitral and tricuspid heart valves. The second sound -dup- is from the closure of the pulmonary and aortic valves. b. In relation to the normal heart sounds, when would you expect to hear the abnormal sound Dr. Baker heard? Explain your answer. A ventricular septal defect is a systolic murmur. The abnormal sounds can be heard during or after the first heart sound and ends before or during the second heart sound. 3. The defect in Caleb’s heart allows blood to mix between the two ventricular chambers. a. Due to this defect would you expect the blood to move from left-to-right ventricle or right-to-left ventricle during systole? I would expect the blood to move from the left to the right ventricle. b. Based on your understanding of blood pressure and resistance in the heart and great vessels, explain your answer to question 3a. In the heart blood flows from areas of high pressure to areas of low pressure. Blood normally enters on the right side of the heart (deoxygenated), is pumped to the lungs and returns to the left side of the heart (oxygenated) which will then be pumped out to the rest of the body. In Caleb’s case blood will enter the right side of the heart, be pumped to the lungs and return to the left side  of the heart. Every time his heart beats, some blood is then forced through the VSD back to the right side. It then goes back to the lungs even though it is already oxygenated, so blood that is not oxygenated can’t get oxygen. A lower blood volume then remains in the left ventricle to be pumped out to the rest of the body. High pressure would occur in the lungs due to extra blood being pumped into lung arteries this make heart and lungs work harder. 4. When an echocardiogram is performed, the technician color-codes oxygenated blood (red) and deoxygenated blood (blue) a. In a healthy baby, what color would the blood be within the right and left ventricles, respectively? The right ventricle normally pumps blue blood because the blood is without oxygen and the left ventricle pumps red blood because the blood has oxygen. b. In Caleb’s heart, what color would the blood be within the right and left ventricles, respectively? It is both blue and red in the right ventricle because the already oxygenated blood flows back into the right ventricle and blood in the left ventricle would be red. 5. Caleb’s heart allows oxygenated and deoxygenated blood to mix. Based on your knowledge of the heart and the great vessels, describe other anatomical abnormalities that cause the mixing of oxygenated and deoxygenated blood. Atrioventricular Canal Defect is an abnormality that causes the mixing of blood. There is a hole in center of heart where the wall between the upper and lower chambers meet. The tricuspid and mitral valves aren’t formed properly and one large valve crosses the defect. The defect lets oxygen rich blood pass to the heart’s right side and mix with deoxygenated blood, then go back to the lungs. Another abnormality is Atrial Septal Defect (ASD), where the walls of the upper chambers of the heart don’t close completely, causing a left to right movement of blood due to the higher pressure. The mixing of oxygenated and deoxygenated blood may cause the right atrium and ventricle to enlarge due to the higher volume of blood. 6. What happens to Caleb’s systemic cardiac output as a result of his ventricular septal defect (VSD)? Explain your answer. Caleb’s systemic cardiac output will be decreased. His blood will enter the right ventricle be pumped to the lungs, return to the left ventricle and then be shunted  back to the right ventricle. This causes more blood to enter the right ventricle. The extra blood then leaving the right ventricle causes a volume overload to the lungs. Because blood is being shunted back to the right ventricle, there is a lesser volume of oxygenated blood that leaves the heart to supply the rest of the body. 7. One of the problems that worried Tiffaney was that Caleb seemed to be breathing too hard all the time. Let’s consider how this symptom is related to his heart defect. a. Describe what would happen to the blood volume and pressure entering the pulmonary circuit as a result of his VSD. In VSD the right and left ventricles are working harder, pumping a greater volume of blood than they normally would. Extra blood will pass through the pulmonary artery into the lungs causing, blood pressure to be higher than normal in the blood vessels and lungs. b. Describe what would happen to the myocardium of Caleb’s right ventricle as a result of his VSD. The right ventricular heart muscle will thicken and lose elasticity over time, causing the heart to work harder to effectively pump blood the lungs and rest of the body. 8. Based on the location of Caleb’s defect, what part of the conduction system might be at risk for abnormalities? It is extremely rare that VSD would cause a conduction system defect due to the fact that the two systems are different, different embryological development, yet are in close proximity to each other. It is possible for the bundle of His to be displaced, but usually is unaffected. Sometimes a branch of the bundle of His could be on a rim of the VSD, but is still able to function. The only tricky part is if surgery is needed, the doctor needs to be careful when closing the defect.

Customer portfolio and Strategic Account Management 04256 Essay

Customer portfolio and Strategic Account Management 04256 - Essay Example Arguments made by Johnson and Selnes (2004), states that focus should be made on the wider managerial perspective that considers the company’s entire customer portfolio rather than focusing on the few close customer relationship in order to maintain profitability, shareholder’s value and company growth. According to the authors Harri Terho and Aino Halinen (2007), customer portfolio analysis is an action by which a firm examines the present and the future customer values for building a balanced consumer structure through efficient allocation of resources to individual or customer group. The equilibrium of the customer portfolio can be considered as the vital goal of the customer portfolio analysis due to its explicit presence in all the proposed. Therefore the portfolio models earlier were based on mathematical optimization and have major focus on the formation of a favourable portfolio of products (Sackmann, Kundisch and Ruch, 2010). Ryals (2003) also stresses on the need to analyse the total relationships as an investment portfolio where the balance would be the consequence of the customer relationship related long term revenues and risks. The main focus of the customer base is to determine the significance of customer relationships to the company and differentiating between consumers of different worth. The analysis is the future outcome which is not restricted to the monetary value of the customers but also involves the varied consumer roles in providing present and future value for the company (Johnson and Selnes, 2004). The theory of customer portfolio study is related to the theory of segmentation but still varies considerably. Portfolio analysis centres on analyzing the existing value of customers as stated by H. Terho, A. Halinen in the Journal of Business Research (2007) from the main companys point of view whereas segmentation usually focuses on segregating the market into

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

French Language Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

French Language - Essay Example Although Standard French has in fact undergone centuries of human intervention and language planning, popular opinion, however, contends that Standard French should consist solely of the rulings by the Acadmie franaise in France, or in standardization from terminological work by the Office qubcois de la langue franaise in Quebec. There is further perceived or actual linguistic hegemony in favor of France by virtue of tradition, former imperialism, and a demographic majority. Such notions hinge on linguistic prestige rather than on a linguistic norm. Also, despite the existence of many regional varieties of French in the Francophone world, Standard French is normally chosen as a model for learners of French as a foreign or second language. The standard pronunciation of Metropolitan French is, out of concerns for comprehension or social stigma, sometimes favored over other standard national pronunciations when teaching French to non-native speakers in Francophone nations other than Fra nce. Though the French complain about the incursion of English into their language, they don't fight it nearly as much as French-speaking Canadians do. Whereas stop signs in France say stop, their Qubcois counterparts say arrt. Le week-end in France is known as la fin de semaine in Qubec. And of course, the word chosen to replace "email" in France was the Qubcois term courriel. Thus Canadians feel that their French is actually better than that spoken in France and should be the standard. Therefore, French-Canadians have started a petition to have their French become the standard by which all other variations are measured. Jean Charest, Premier of Qubec, had this to say: Au Qubec, on parle franais. Notre langue n'est pas un petit dialecte franco-canadien et elle n'est pas remplie de franglais comme le franais hexagonal. Nous insistons dsormais que notre franais, c'est la norme. (In Qubec, we speak French. Our language is not some "French-Canadian" dialect, and it's not full of franglais like the French in France. We insist that from now on our French is the standard.) ( - 24k - Cached) French (Franais) is a Romance language spoken in France, Belgium, Switzerland, Canada (principally Quebec), northern New England (especially the state of Vermont), the state of Louisiana and in many other countries and regions formerly or currently governed by France. It is an official language of more than 25 countries. French is spoken as a mother language by 72,000,000 people and as a second language by some other 52,000,000. It is one of the five official languages of the United Nations. Origin and History French dialects developped from the Vulgar Latin which was brought to Northern Gaul with the Roman conquest in the 1st century B.C. (see Rome). The history of French language is divided into 6 main periods:

Monday, August 12, 2019

Business Operations and Systems Literature review

Business Operations and Systems - Literature review Example It was one of the first chief oil firms to openly declare the necessity to protect the environment through minimization of greenhouse gases emission. BP has main listing on the London Stock Exchange and is a component of FTE 100 index. As of December 2011, the market capitalization stood at ? 87.1 billion making it rank fourth largest of any firm quoted on the London Stock Exchange (BP, 2012; p. 2). New York Stock Exchange has the secondary listings of the firm. The success of the firm is instrumentally motivated by the kind of operational strategies used by the management of BP. Power and capabilities have been effective in the firm in the development of world market for its products among other oil firms. As mentioned earlier, the firm operates in all the six continents globally within 100 States. The primary objective of the firm has been to drill and locate oil in various parts of the world. Other main functions have been to explore and produce crude oil and natural gas, refining of crude oil, market distribution and hauling and manufacture of petrochemicals. The firm has also considered producing solar power. Therefore, the tactical management of operations can be seen as instrumental in the success of the firm. As one of the greatest petrochemical and oil production company the firm has considered to specialize in exploration and production of gas, supply of the petroleum products and production and distribution of various chemicals. Currently, the firm has rapid modification of its outside market as the firm has highly regarded itself as contemporal learning organization, which is obliged to be reactive and adaptive to the high technology in the... The business can make use of this in their interior operations that can be applied to consignees, distributors and stakeholders. The process of payment or status of the cargo or consignment can be easily received thus providing an efficient channel for replenishment of stock at the right time. This technology can be used to assist the firm in minimizing the risks associated with the inventory management and maximization of sales through reduction of life cycles of the products. Furthermore, competitive advantage can easily be achieved considering the fact that there is an easy order-entry procedure and reduced paper work. Even though there are apparent benefits for companies and development of these operational management systems, there are still some observable challenges. Therefore, the firm’s management must be in a position to guarantee the obstacles can be handled with care to avoid loopholes in the system. What’s more, it is observable that the status of economy c an trigger British Petroleum to consider using all their arsenals in delivering products and services to various segments of the global market. The application of operational business management approach can help make more efficient the business assortment of the firm.